Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Super Cheap (Dupe) Kabuki Brush, Nail Enamel and Nail Remover


Holaaaaa Beautyyyyy

Tomorrow was a gougers Saturday night, because I found some cute stuffs in cute price. Please take a look.

1. Nail polish / Nail Enamel 

The brand is Ingrid, it was exported from China. It only cost Rp 3150,- / US $ 0,3. It has a fabulous baby pink color.

2. Tokyo Nail Remover

Although the name is Tokyo, This is Indonesian brand. It was produce and distribute by PT HAYJEN KOSMETIK, Tangerang. It cost Rp 3600.- / US $ 0,3. It was great product, it can easily remove your nail polish, without make your nail dry.  

3. Kabuki Brush (Dupe)
It was quite surprising I can find this kind of brush in a small grocery shop. I cost Rp 17.000,- / US $ 1,7. Really cheap right ? This brush have a soft hair, although it just synthetic hair.

Lokasi: Surakarta, Indonesia

8 komentar:

  1. hai nia, punyaku si kabukinya yang biru ><
    tapi rontooooook waktu dipake
    akhirnya sekarang aku anggurin

  2. yosin!!
    sepupuku punya yg ijo juga udah 1 bulan masih oke.
    Let me pray biar punyaku awet juga, hehehehe
    tp kalopun rontok yawisya ada harga ada kualitas

  3. kuteknya lucuuu...XD
    murah lagii..

    1. Belanjaan akhir bulan, biar murah meriah yang penting kece :p

  4. kuteknya lucu :3 hampir sama kayak punyaku, tapi aku beli 4500.. hahaha

  5. Hi, I give you an award http://annisabeautyblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/versatile-blogger-award.html

  6. Halo, Nia.. aku tag kamu disini lohh ^^

