Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

Versatile Blogger Award


bonjour belle !!

This is my very first blogger award. Thanks to Annisa Myrta & Defiana Tintas
yang telah menominasikan saya. 

These are the rules of Versatile Award
1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
2.  Let the nominated know that they have been nominated for this award.
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you.
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post.

7 Random Facts About Me
1. I love make up, but I rarely using make up in my daily activities. 
2. I love dog, cat, tiger, elephant  but my mom dosent give me permission to have one of them.
3. I love spacy food, and never get a diarrhea after eat thews  hell-spacy food
4. Until now I'm still dad little girl, I still "minta pangku" until now.
5. I cant use fake flashes (anyone can help me?)
6.I love traveling, not afraid becoming tan, but I'm afraid getting sunburn. 
7. I'm afraid with ghost, especially Indonesian ghost.

And these are 15 blogger who I nominate for Versatile Blogger Award :
  1. Ses Arum
  2. Sandra
  3. Lady 
  4. Severus Love 
  5. Flow 
  6. Neyya 
  7. Chanky 
  8. Dhian Aprillia Andhiny  
  9. Diani Noverta 
  10. Awa Zakiyah 
  11. Raisa 
  12. Vicky 
  13. Yosin 
  14. Aldila 
  15. Carryna Pratiwi 

6 komentar:

  1. heiii,,,
    mksii yaaa :)

    oiaa,,,qm org padang jg ya???
    bacaa yg no 4,,,

  2. Hello nia! Tengkyu ya awardnyaa :D
    But I don't think I'm that new? Almost blogging for a year now. You now, refering to reule number 1. Hahahahaha XDD
    Anyway, tengkyu yaaa :D Langsung aku post begitu ada waktu kosong ;)

  3. aihh.. ternyata kamu perna dapet versatile blog award ya?
    aku nominasi kamu lagi.. ccek ya..^^

